Portable storage buildings are a valuable asset, offering convenience and flexibility for storing a variety of items, from tools and equipment to seasonal belongings.

However, like any structure, they require regular maintenance to ensure their longevity and optimal functionality. By implementing a few simple maintenance practices, you can keep your portable storage building in top shape for years to come.

As storage unit experts, we’ve compiled top tips to help you keep your investment in robust condition. Continue reading below for valuable insight into how you can preserve the value of your investment in a brand-new portable storage shed.

1. Regular Cleaning

Like all buildings, your shed requires a thorough, deep cleaning at least once a year to maintain its condition. More regular cleaning throughout the year might include:

Cleaning Inside the Storage Building

Regularly sweep or vacuum the interior to remove dust, dirt, and debris. Consider using mild cleaners to wipe down surfaces and shelves. Don’t forget to pay attention to corners and hard-to-reach areas where dirt accumulates.

Exterior Cleaning Techniques

For the exterior, use a gentle pressure washer or a garden hose with a soft brush attachment to remove dirt and grime. Be mindful of the building material—wood, metal, or vinyl—and use appropriate cleaning methods to avoid damage.

2. Check for Leaks

Leaks can occur in your shed despite its durability, compromising its structural integrity and potentially causing damage to the items inside.

Roof Inspection Protocol

Like you would a standard building, regularly inspect the roof for any signs of damage as a maintenance measure. Here are things to look for:

  • Missing shingles
  • Tears in the roofing material
  • Gaps around vents

If you isolate issues, promptly patch any damage to prevent water leaks during heavy rainfall.

Wall and Corner Examination

Carefully examine the walls and corners for any cracks, spaces, or gaps that could allow water and critters to seep in. Seal these areas with appropriate caulking or sealants to maintain a watertight structure.

3. Maintain Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation keeps your structure intact and ensures the items stored inside don’t suffer from accumulated moisture.

Understanding Ventilation Needs

Evaluate the current ventilation system in your storage building and ensure vents are strategically placed to allow proper airflow. If needed, consider adding passive vents or installing fans to enhance circulation, especially in areas with limited airflow.

Managing Humidity Levels

Monitor humidity levels inside the building, particularly during humid seasons. Consider using dehumidifiers to maintain an optimal moisture level, preventing mold or mildew buildup.

To effectively monitor humidity levels within your storage building, consider using the following strategies:

  • Hygrometer: A device specifically designed to gauge humidity levels. Place hygrometers in different building areas to gain a clear picture of moisture levels.
  • Moisture buildup visual assessment: You should also inspect the shed for condensation on windows or walls, as this is a great visual indicator of excessive humidity.

4. Lubricate Moving Parts

Make sure you’re always able to easily access your shed by lubricating any metal parts that move.

Identifying Moving Components

Make a list of all moving parts, such as door hinges, locks, and window rollers. Apply lubricants to these parts to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation.

Regular Maintenance Schedule

Establish a routine schedule for lubrication, depending on usage and environmental conditions. Consistent lubrication prevents wear and tear on moving parts, prolonging their lifespan.

5. Inspect Seals and Weather Stripping

Regularly check the condition of seals and weather stripping around doors and windows. If you isolate an issue, promptly replace damaged or worn-out seals to maintain the shed’s resilience and prevent drafts or water seepage.

Here are the best ways to assess the seal:

  • Visual inspection
  • Physical touch
  • Check for moisture or drafts
  • Assess the edges with a flashlight

Seal Maintenance Techniques

Consider using silicone-based sealants for better durability and weather resistance. Ensure proper installation to prevent gaps that could compromise the building’s integrity.

6. Monitor Foundation and Supports

It’s essential to regularly inspect the foundation for signs of settling or damage. Use a level to ensure the structure sits evenly on its supports because the ground shifts over time. Address any issues promptly to prevent structural problems, and don’t hesitate to seek outside help to ensure the maintenance is done correctly.

Support Maintenance Practices

The first thing you can do is ensure the ground is leveled or at the same slope as it was when your storage unit was installed. Following this, you can check the stability of supports and anchoring systems. Replace or reinforce supports if needed, especially if the building has been subjected to harsh weather conditions or significant shifts.

7. Trim Vegetation Around the Building

Educate yourself on the risks posed by overgrown vegetation near the building, especially the base. We recommend you trim trees, bushes, or vines that are too close to prevent damage from branches or roots. Doing this also prevents pest and insect infestation that portable sheds can be prone to if exterior cleaning isn’t prioritized.

Regular Maintenance of Surrounding Area

Establish a routine for trimming vegetation around the storage building to maintain a safe distance. As a side note, you might want to consider using mulch or gravel around the base to deter plant growth.

8. Protect Against Rust and Corrosion

Rust prevention is key for two reasons: maintaining your shed’s value and preserving its condition. We recommend regularly inspecting metal surfaces for signs of rust or corrosion. If you notice even the smallest amount, don’t hesitate to apply rust-resistant coatings or paints recommended by the manufacturer to protect vulnerable areas.

Surface Preparation Steps

Prior to applying protective coatings, clean and prepare the metal surfaces properly to ensure maximum adhesion and effectiveness of the protective layer. If there’s no rust formation, take preventative maintenance steps and clean the surface area, ridding it of debris and water. Doing this will help prevent the onset of rust.

Have Questions About How to Upkeep Your Shed? Let Us Know!

When it comes to maintaining your portable shed, there are no measures that are too extensive. From seasonal maintenance to daily surface cleaning, a little bit of effort goes a long way when it comes to preserving the value of your shed.

If you have questions or want to purchase an additional structure, call (706) 405-4637 to inquire about our options.